Showing posts with label Evaluation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evaluation. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Question 7 - Evaluation.

I used slide share and PowerPoint to create my answer to question seven of the evaluation.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Question 6 - Evaluation.

Question 6:
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of contracting this product?

Question 5 - Evaluation.

Question 5-

How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract the audience I created an online survey for people to fill out. I added in the film at the top of the survey so people could watch it then fill out the survey. This is the top of the survey showing the opening sequence added in for people to view.  Here is the link to the survey to view online:

This was the first question on the survey. The first question that we asked was 'How old are you?'  17 people answered the survey and all of them answered this survey. We made sure that all of the people who we got to fill out the questionnaire were not under 12 as the age limit for our film is 12. From the results, around half of the people who we asked were in the range of 16-18 and then a quarter was 19-22. A small portion was 12-15. And then another small portion was over 22. I only got a few in these age ranges to answer, as it wasn’t our main target audience.

The second question i asked was 'what is your gender'. Most of the people taking the survey were male as this was our main target audience that is going to watch our film. I got females views to see if they also could watch the rest of the film and get out tertiary audience view. Around two thirds of the people answering were male.

This is the third question I asked. It asked 'do you enjoy watching sport films'. Half of the audience said yes they do enjoy watching sport films. This is important, as our film is a sport/drama. If people enjoy watching these types of films already then they will be able to enjoy out film. Just under a quarter said they were unsure if they liked sport films. Just over a quarter said no. This wasn't too bad as they could enjoy the drama that is involved in the film as well.

This is the fourth question is asked. It asked 'would you recommend this film?'. Two thirds of people said they would. This means some of our secondary audience and tertiary audience said they would still recommend this film to other people. This means it can reach a wider range that we first thought. More people will be able to enjoy watching the film.

This is the fifth question on the survey. I asked 'what genre of film do you typically watch?’ A quarter of people said comedy meaning that they may not like the seriousness of our film. This is only a typical film they would watch so most people would happily watching more than one genre. The second highest was Sci-Fi. The rest of the option got one or two picks each so a vast spread of the different genre our audience watches.

This is the sixth question i asked. It asked 'what genre would you say this film is?’ I asked this to see if the opening sequence got across the right genre we was going for. Just under half answered sport/drama. This is the genre we was going for as it is about football but also all the dramas include on George Cohen’s life. The other sections chosen were just sport and just drama. This is good to see as the right genre was portrayed in our opening sequence. There were no odd answers they were all picked along the right tracks of what we wanted it to be.

This is the seventh question on the survey. I asked 'would you watch the rest of the film', just over half said they would watch the rest. This meaning in the short time we had to grab the audience was achieved well. A quarter said they may watch the rest of the film and only a quarter said they wouldn't. Only seeing two minutes could of not been enough for some people to tell if they rest of the film will we good or will be what they want to watch. I asked if they would watch the rat of the film because it showed that people were hooked in the first few minutes and this is what the first section of a film is trying to do.

This is the eighth question I asked on the survey. It asked 'what did you like about the film', I asked this because it gave the person a chance to write what they wanted instead of choosing from multiple choice. The feedback was very mixed so we had a wide range of things in the opening sequence that people liked. Some people said they liked the flash back from the old character to his younger self. A few said that they liked the park scene as it was tense and hooked them straight away. More people said that they liked the black and white effect used in the changing room scene. Another said they liked the shots used. This was good to read as we planned out the shots well and made sure they were varied. Also the tense music used. They liked this because it set the scene well and the genre for the rest of the film. The rest  of the compliments are in the photo.

This is the ninth question on the survey. I asked 'what could be improved based on what you have seen'. This question was asked to give people a chance to give their own feedback that we can take on and think about. Firstly few people said that the resolution and the quality of the camera in the park scene could be improved. It was the quality we wanted but this was based down to the equipment we had available. A few reviewers said that the story line was a bit confusing. This could be down to the change in time period and the flash back. Furthermore people said the titles could have been placed better in the shots to make them more clearer and look better. A couple of people said that the voice over could have been made clearer and better quality. Maybe they thought the sound of the voice didn't fit with the mood of the film. Some of the costumes could have been improved. The reviews said the boots could be made to look older as you can still see the brand and the type of boot through the black and white effect. The rest of the reviews are on the photo.

This is the final question on the survey. It asked 'what would you rate this film out of 10'. I asked this question because it would give us an overview of how good our film was and too see if people enjoyed this short clip enough the give it a good rating. The lowest rating we got was 5. This means even the people that weren't that into sport or drama films till enjoyed watching the opening sequence. 10 out of the 18 replies were over 8 rated. We are happy to see this as it shows that the film we had created was liked by many people. Even with our secondary and tertiary audience answering the survey didn't give the opening sequence and dramatically low rating. We were only given one 10 but this isn't bad as we could of gone back and improved the opening sequence. We know it was not perfect and could of improved based on these reviews in the future.

To address our audience we did a screening of our show to the people we were aiming our film at. We then told these people to complete our survey on survey monkey. We mostly got people of our target audience but there were some other people as well. The other people said that the film didn't appeal to them; this helped to prove that our film opening was successful at addressing our target audience.

In order to attract our audience we used social media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in order to spark interest for our film. Most people find films on the Internet so that is where we targeted. We also developed a website for our film so that when people found our online advertisements they could directly go to our website and find out more information about the film. We also wanted to put posters around football stadiums in order to address our target audience successfully as this is where our target audience would be.

This was also another way we attracted the audience. I made a film poster that showed out film title and the number of the player we were basing it on. Also it has a few of the actors in the film. It showed the production company in the poster. The little caption got an idea in the peoples head. Also a back of a football shirt showed it was going to be about football. The football in the arm showed he was walking out to a game. You can see the walls closing into a door that will lead him out to the big game. A lot of semiotics where going to be thought from the poster. This made people want to read into it more and watch the film.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Question 4 - Evaluation.

Question 4-
Who would be the audience for your media production?

This is the Prezi for our target audience. It is showing that the people like the world cup or football overall. Then it goes to what there bed room could look like with football shirts and sofa which suggest younger people will like the film. Also by having a mac a phone and a glass of water shows that our main audience is younger which means they can use this technology. The not shows that they still play football and are into it. Also having to complete a P.E. project showing they are sporty. Having a picture of and black and white photo of football fans is showing our secondary audience. These older generation could like the film as the person we are basing it on is there age. Also they could have lived through the world cup we decided the base it on. Many generations like football so most people can get into the film. Also our other secondary audience is explained in the Prezi.

Question 3 - Evaluation.

Below is our response to Question 3 of the Evaluation of Cohen.

Question 2 - Evaluation.

Question 2
I answered Question 2 with the format of Emaze. Question 2 was linked to how our media produced related to particular social groups and who they are represented. Powered by emaze

Question 1 - Evaluation.

Question 1:
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This is my first evaluation question. It talks about conventions and where they appear or are adapted in my film opening. I have discovered that slide share is limiting, as it doesn't show the music clips, which are incorporated into the slideshow. The music are shown below